Credit where it’s due

3 Jun

One of my oldest friends, Li-Ann of Ham & Pea Design Paperie posted a link to Pia Jane Bijkerk’s Giving Credit poster on Facebook recently, and it got me searching Google Images for images of our apple rings. I found the image (mostly of the Red Delicious ring) on a couple of blogs and instead of being affronted, I got really really giddy and happy. I mean, it’s amazing that the images are popping up here and there and that people actually like it enough to blog about it. A handful linked to our Etsy store, but some linked to a random Kaboodle-esque site or made zero mention of the image even being on the page.

Apple ring image used without permission or credit

Non-crediting use of apple ring crediting

For those, I wrote a simple comment asking them to link to our store and hopefully, they do. Any exposure, after all, is good exposure and if nothing else, at least my comment will provide sourcing information.

Permission and crediting is a hot topic these days, and my view is that you should always give credit where credit is due, and if it’s an image that will be reproduced later on or used in a non-personal setting (i.e. commercial page, magazine, etc.), do ask for permission. If it’s more of a “This is amazing, check this out!” then simply crediting will suffice.

What are your thoughts on the topic?

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