Archive | December, 2009

Golden greats

17 Dec

Our Mythic Variety Apple Ring was also featured in Etsy’s Gift Guide Under $25!

Can’t wait to show you all the next product we’re going to be offering…SOON.

Thanks to roxannahlborn for listing our Mythic Apple Ring in her Treasury on Etsy!


13 Dec

So who wants to buy me this…?

Folie a Deux Limited Edition Antler Handbag from Rich in Craft $600.00


I’ll be good all year, I swear I will. Next year.


Gift guide under $25

13 Dec


It’s shaping up to be a wonderful Christmas over here at the Orderly Civilians HQ! With all these orders coming in, we’ve been super busy filling orders and running back and forth to the post office all week long.

Although, really, we’d have it no other way.

Our Red Delicious ring is currently being featured on Etsy’s Gift Guide Under $25!

200-12-12 Gift Guide Under $25

 Thanks, Etsy! There’s some really great stuff on there that’s made the Etsy rounds, and we’re pleased to be featured amongst lengendary Etsyians such as byrdandbelle:

Ipod Nano case from byrdandbelle $19.00

Etsy user LANCERIKA also featured our Cherry Bing! ring on her Treasury List on December 10th. It’s unfortunate how fast treasury lists get taken down, but at least more sellers are able to be featured. Thanks, LANCERIKA!

Thanks for your support, everyone. It means so much more than we could ever say.

The dreams that we dream are often more wondrous than we could’ve ever dreamt whilst conscious

9 Dec

Today, my friends, is a RED LETTER DAY.

Today, our Red Delicious Varietal Apple Ring was featured on the front page of Etsy.

Our collective hearts skipped a beat.

Make that multiple beats.

(Am I even still alive?)

Thank you, from the bottomest of our orderly hearts.

Thank you, you. Thank you, Etsy. Thank you, curator of that particular front page selection.

HOLY!1!!!1! Amazing.

Fellow Etsyian dreamyvintage also featured our Red Delicious apple ring in her Treasury listing a few days ago! Thanks, Didem!

I think this 2007 poster sums it up the best:

one day,

7 Dec

I’m impatient for the day when I get my very own house/condo/apartment with a proper kitchen, living room, and a separate bedroom…perhaps even a studio, if I’m lucky.

And on that day, one of the first things that will go into it is a Domsai of my very own.

Doooomsaaii! $150/per

My favorite is the squiggly tall one, third from the left.

I Dreamed I Saw

3 Dec


Our Atomic Apple Ring was kindly featured today on, a nicely done blog resource for designers and artists in search of beautiful and often strange things.

Thanks, Gay!


2 Dec

Edit: Whoops. Looks like the image links are gone awry. Hopefully they’re fixed now.

It’s not often that I come across things online that I want to instantly click “buy” on, but this is hands down, the most (relatively) affordable and amazing piece I’ve seen in a while:

Design Glut's World Link necklace $60


A+R’s online store has a bevy of great holiday gift ideas this season. Another favorite is the bunny tote:

Eding:Post's Picnica "Bunny" tote bag @ A+R $30 has a Holiday Coupon Book that will get you 15% off your order at A+R.